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Resource-Based View dan Keunggulan Bersaing Berkelanjutan: Sebuah Telaah Kritis Terhadap Pemikiran Jay Barney (1991)

Ratno Purnomo


Jay Barney have been developed the concept of resource-based view which is important for
strategic management. Resource-based view explained that organization can achieve
sustained competitive advantage if posses resources with certain characteristics. Those
characteristics include valueable resource, unique, rare, and inimitability. Resource-based
view emphasize on internal factors as a source of sustained competitive advantage and
criticize industrial organization approach which is emphasize on external factors. Based
on resource-based view, organization can determine its strategies which appropriate with
organizational capabilities. However, resource-based view have some weaknesses
particulary related with conceptual and research issues. This article discussed those issues
and the possibility for theory integration, especially between resource-based view and
indutrial organization.
Jay Barney (1991) mengembangkan konsep resource-based view yang memiliki peran
penting bagi manajemen strategik. Konsep tersebut menyatakan bahwa organisasi akan
mencapai keunggulan bersaing berkelanjutan apabila memiliki sumberdaya yang bernilai,
unik, langka dan sulit ditiru. Resource-based view menekankan pada faktor internal
organisasi dan mengkritik pendekatan industrial organization yang menekankan pada
faktor eksternal organisasi. Berdasarkan resource-based view, organisasi dapat menentukan
strategi yang akan dilakukannya sesuai dengan kapabilitas organisasi. Namun, resourcebased
view juga memiliki beberapa kelemahan khususnya berkenaan dengan isu
konsepsual dan isu metoda riset. Artikel ini membahas isu-isu tersebut dan kemungkinan
integrasi resource-based view dengan pendekatan industrial organization.

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